e-Claim helps to facilitate online submission transparently and efficiently. It is easy to use by both admins and employees for their management of online claims submission, including all claims under their benefits, and reimbursable expenses on ad-hoc basic employee claim such as traveling, transport, entertainment, and so on. Approval is based on multiple levels that can be varied by employee category set-up.
Paperless Claims
- Conventional claim methods, form submissions, and filing can be omitted by using our online e-claim system.
- Moreover, receipts, tolls, and other proof of payment can be scanned to be attached to the claim form. This will ease the approval process.
- The supervisor will receive an email notification and decide email or web application as well.
Flexible Claim Setting For Each Employee Type
- Each employee type may be unique. For example, a medical claim cap for each employee type can be set differently.
- Our employee e-claim system addresses the need and provides flexibility for different employee type settings.
- The employee in different departments has different approval requirements. We provide group approval and multi-level approval for every employee type in the system.
Self Service Claim Request And Approval
- The employee can log in to the website or phone app to submit a claim form. Once the amount is keyed in and choose claim type, the employee just has to submit the claim.
- The assigned supervisor will receive an email and decide on the claim approval. The process will go through all management levels and marked approved if all pass.
- Finally, the finance department will access the claim report and reimburse payment accordingly.